Wash and roughly chop all of the vegetables. Chunks/cubs about an inch by and inch will do the trick and the onion is best sliced.
On a try or bowl cover the vegetable is a generous portion of olive oil (other oils will work just as well here) and all the herbs, salt and pepper This seasoning is to your own taste so feel free to add in more or sell as desired.
Roast the vegetables (excluding garlic - see next step for instructions for garlic) in an air fryer or oven for for 20-30 minutes. Cook the vegetables until they turn a deep brown colour - it is okay if soon of the smaller chunks char and blacken as this will actually add more flavour to the soup - just try not to over do it! Also make sure to give the vegetables a toss and a jiggle to move them around and make sure the are all cooking evenly.
Chopping the garlic into halves place in an overproof glass or ceramic bowl and add oil to cover the garlic. Roast this in the air fryer for 20 minutes, taking great care when removing at the end,
Also bake the feta cheese in the air fryer until it starts to soften and brown. This should take 10-20 minutes.
Add the roasted vegetables, garlic with oil, and feta cheese to a large pot with approximately 1 litre of boiling water and the chosen stock. More can be added later is necessary, but the water should at lease completely cover the vegetables.
Bring the pot to the boil then reduce the temperature to a simmer and leave at this heat for 30 minutes.
Next the pot can be removed from the heat and the consistency can be blended down until and the desired texture. This is usually until smooth but can be levitated with larger chunks for a more heartily soup texture.
Add more water as necessary while blending to get to your desired consistency, being careful to only add small amounts at a time.
Serve with some home made bread and enjoy while hot!
With any remaining soup, allow it to cool completely then portion it up into bags or tubs and store in the freezer for future meals.