
My days of carrying out research and writing essays may be over but my love for learning define is not. For a long time there have been many topics I would like to explore more and start to understand but they feel outside of the remit of my studies so it felt as if I did not have sufficient enough excuse to look into these topics. Now with the freedom of choice but no pre-set deadlines has been hard to motive myself to create ‘mini essays’ on the topics that are of most interest to me.

This year I am determined to change this and build better habits. So once a month I will research a new topic of interests and create a short essay summarising the research.

I am aware this will never be marker or peer reviewed. Knowing this, I am determine to complete these small research projects for myself.

To see the range of topics already covered see the posts below.

If you have any suggestions for interesting topics, send a message on the contact page with the chance of seeing it in a future research essay.

Silver Sky Studios is still finalising the posts for this page. Please check back later to see the updated posts!

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