Silver Sky Studios


Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

Starting a Blog has been a passion project of mine for a long time now. But, I have always been too scared to start, I think mainly because I am too scared to fail. Alas, I realised recently that I will also have failed if I do not try at all.

So here I am creating my own little digital haven. It is a space to be used as a creative outlet for all my weird, wonderful and (quite frankly) bonkers ideas.

I hate the idea of being stuck doing just one thing so I like trying a little of everything, which is why you will find an array of different sections to this blog. Each a different niche I want to explore more of. To begin this journey there are a few topics I know I definitely want explore and I hope with time there will be many more that develop.

So whether you are interesting in cooking, traveling, living sustainability or would like to learn more about the more random questions in life, stay tuned to read more!

2025 Challenge

2025 is the year of challenge! Embark on a journey with me to try 25 new things in 2025…

If you are looking for inspiration for new hobbies, cool personal challenges or even a New Year’s resolution, this is the place to be. Join me as I try 25 new things this year in an attempt to get out of my comfort zone and learn new skills. Over the next 12 months I will be trying something new every 2 weeks! Then reporting back on my experiences and thoughts following each new activity. Follow along or even try the challenge too and push yourself this year.


I love food, but who doesn’t? Find out more of some of my favourite recipes and join me in trying delicious new foods, cool cooking techniques and simple equipment.

My father was a chef for many years and has tried many times to teach me the skills spent most of his life perfecting. Unfortunately, I have become nowhere near as professional as him. Yet I do love being in the kitchen – cooking delicious foods, creating new recipes and definitely getting my hands dirty along the way…


Seeing the world has aways been a dream of mine. The more of the world I get to see, the less it feels like I understand. Earth is so fast and has so many incredible places so see and cultures to experience. Come travelling with me as we see all the world has to offer. Along the way discovering cool tips and tricks to make travelling easier and finding hidden gems all across the world.


During every stage of my life understanding the world and natural processes has been a big passion of mine. This is probably why I choose to study Geography at university, and then continued at masters level to look at sustainability and urban infrastructure. Sustainability is not about being perfect, instead it is consciously making better choices every day and forming new habits to live in a way that works with the world around us, rather than straining it further. Journey with me to find ways of living more sustainably and explore the principles behind sustainability. 


Studying at university sparked in me a love for learning and a drive to keep researching. Now that I have completed my studies I realise how much I miss having the opportunity to research new topics and pull together my thoughts into structured arguments (yes I miss writing essays!). So I want to continue the momentum of essay writing and research – this time with the freedom to choose my own topics and learn about things that excite me. So if you have an interest in learning more about the weird and wonderful questions in life then follow along and discover something new…

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